Tuesday, April 1, 2014

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In the Examination Hall
A proper strategy is necessary to crack any competition exam. You need to concentrate on minor details because every second matters in such tough competitions.

Now Strategy begins with proper understanding of syllabus and planning and ends with your responses on the OMR sheet.
Today i will tell you some final strategy tips that should be followed by  SSC candidates.

Before the exam:
Leave preparation a night before competition exam and take a deep sleep. Rest and enjoy with friends. Do you understand why ?

Check that you have all the documents and other important stuff related to exam. Double check your ID and Photos. Take a half used ball pen with big round nib, because it will help you to fill OMR bubbles easily. This small tip can save 3-4 minutes and you can answer 8-10 GK questions easily in the  mean time.

Going for exam
Do not take  books when going for a exam. Listen to music and don´t take tension. Stress will affect your performance in exam. 

In the Examination Hall
Before Exam starts:
Complete all your formalities  well before 10 AM or 2PM, like declaration, OMR answer sheet filling, attendance, thumb impression etc. Normally it has been seen that Invigilators do these formalities in the middle of the exam, which will divert your concentration completely and can decide your future.
If invigilator is not doing all these formalities before exam, ask him/her to do so, tell him that then there is no point to be called  40 minutes before the exam and if no one is saying, then you must initiate the discussion. Normally, others will follow you, once you initiated the valid point and invigilator will be able to understand. If this does not help you,  move to the supervisor without any hesitation.

First of all do not take a overview of questions being asked. SSC is not a board exam, whether question paper is easy or tough, just start doing. Read question, if you know the answer, tick it, otherwise move to next question. Do not mess with questions you don´t know.

Decide how will you  answer questions?

1. Solve a question on question paper and answer on OMR sheet, one by one

2. Answer  all the questions first on Question paper then answer on OMR sheet all at once.

This depends on you, practice with mock tests  and choose which suits you best.
Which section should be attempted first?
Order should be

2. English
3. Reasoning
4. Mathematics
You would be wondering , why to attempt GK first , the reason behind is that when you start attempting, your mind will not be at your full frequency and GK question does not need big understanding , they just need to recall from the memory, if you know the answer, tick it, otherwise leave it. There is no point wasting your time on stupid guess.

You should complete GK in maximum of 10-15 minutes , Next part is English, where most of questions are based on Vocabulary, Error finding, IDIOM etc, same thing applies here. If you know the answer tick it, otherwise leave it. In the comprehension part, read first few line carefully with speed, don´t go directly to questions, after reading first few lines. Read full passage, it will give you good idea, what passage is all about and you will be aware of location of important points in the passage.

Your should also complete your English section in 20-25 minutes.

Next part is Reasoning
Well Reasoning is  an interesting section, but sometime a logic does not hit your mind in the exam. Take precaution while attempting such time of question, here all questions carry equal marks. Don´t waste your time on difficult question, even if you will be able to solve it, but this will not be beneficial.Mess with questions at home ; not in the examination hall.

if puzzles are taking too much time, leave them. Do questions which you can do easily. You know your strengths and weaknesses more than anyone else.. Attempt accordingly.

Reasoning must be completed in 30-35 minutes.
Final section should be Mathematics, because it is somewhat time consuming, we have approximately 45 minutes left for it.

Now, same strategy applies here, do questions you can solve easily. If you have done enough practice at home, you would know which questions you can do or which are out of your knowledge.

Note: Decrease 3-4 Minutes from each section if you are answering on the OMR sheet all at once.
So that was the strategy, that must be followed by a candidate, in the exam hall.
Do practice with mock tests YOU CAN FIND THEM AT TCYONLINE.COM

Best of luck for your future and have a nice day!!